Thursday, August 28, 2008


I know Craig is not the name of Dava’s significant other, but I have two pieces of information—one about Dava and the Myers-Briggs; the other about a presentation by Craig Kennedy who is the Assistant Women’s Basketball Coach at TROY.

On Tuesday 2 September, Dava will administer the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator); on Thursday she will return to explain the results. I doubt she will use the entire time. (Dava, what do you think?) I suggest students return to their respective classrooms after each one completes the Indicator on Tuesday. On Thursday, they will all finish at the same time.

On 9/11, Craig will present an entertaining and informative PowerPoint presentation discussing 50 great leaders from throughout time. I can’t remember whether he takes the entire time, but I think he pretty well does. Remind your students that anything a guest lecturer says is testable. You might suggest they decide which of the leaders they would select as being the greatest and most influential—and why. And you might ask which ones they don’t consider to be that great. I also think it is important at the start of the class to remind students of the significance of the 9/11 and tie it in with the importance of good leadership.

A student from each of the three meeting times should introduce Dava; different ones should introduce Craig. At the end of the class it would be appropriate for those students, or other ones to get up and thank each of them for coming. Dava should be thanked on Thursday. Mr. Kennedy’s cell number is 672-6045


Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Here is something I am asking my students to do:

Search the web for a “quality” article about LEADERSHIP or some aspect of leadership (listening, ethics, group dynamics, servant leadership, etc.). Write up an outline of the article summarizing the important points that the author brings out. Be prepared to share a brief 2-3 minute report on your article during a future class.

I think this does a few them multiple perspectives on leadership, forces them to read about leadership, forces them to pick out the points that are important, forces them to speak in front of the class and share their findings.


Friday, August 22, 2008


LDR 1100 Instructors

I enjoyed your classes on Thursday; you are all doing great.

Cody Ash and friends will be in each class on Tuesday. The classes will meet together as we did on Thursday. I will come with him for at least the start of each class and will likely stay the whole time during at least one of the sessions. The length of time Cody and friends stay will likely depend on the level of response by the students. They may be there for the whole 75 minutes, or perhaps only 30 or so. Anyway, be prepared to take the students back to your own classrooms if Cody and friends run out of stuff to say. If you don't know Cody, he is a great guy and an outstanding student leader; and I am sure he will have other great kids with him.

Impromptu speeches are always good and useful filler. Sometimes I have 25 things written on individual slips of paper and let them draw two and throw one back. I usually give them the slips either just as they are walking to the front to speak, or else as the person before them begins to speak. Other times I let each student write two or three things—each on a separate slip of paper, and let students draw from the pile. I instruct students not to put in embarrassing or improper topics. At other times I just point to some object in the room, or hand students a set of keys, a coke can, or some other item and ask them to speak imaginatively on the object. I have them do impromptu speeches several times each during the term. I think it is a great use of the time—and easy on the instructor.

I appreciate you guys. jak

Thursday, August 21, 2008

My apologies to Chanukah!

For some reason I typed in her last name (to the right) as Willis instead of Gray. It is now correct. I do apologize!


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Getting the hang of things...

Hey all, its Chanukah! Keith thanks for getting this going-- I think it will be amazing for each of us to be able to share with one another.

The first 2 days have gone well. Something I tried the first day, after having everyone stand and do a simple introduction, I made them get together in groups of 2 and spend roughly 10 minutes together learning about one another. During this time they were instructed to tell their partner one thing about them that wasn’t true. Then each pair came up front and introduced the other person in a fun and creative way. We, as a class, tried to figure out which thing we just learned about that person wasn’t true.

The second day of class (I took the idea from Josh), I had them start off writing their personal definition of leadership. As most are stating, we will go back at the end of the semester and review it and see how it’s changed. I also had them rate themselves as a listener 1-10 with 10 being the highest.

I used a PPT to review the 1st 3 chapters, and have open discussion about LDR and listening. They were pretty good with writing and discussing. At the end of class, we broke into 2 teams and played a few rounds of Mad Gab.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Welcome to our new blog...

ENTERED BY KEITH SESSIONS: (Please make sure each time you post to the blog you include your name.)

I was talking with Bronda today after class. We both agreed that it might be useful if we had a place online where we all could share our thoughts, ideas, and suggestions about our LDR 1100 classes. So, I thought a group blog might work. I will email you all the username, password, and instructions. We will try this and see if it works.


The first few days of class, I have done the following to try to get to know my students:

1) Let them each pretend to be Chancellor of Troy, President of US, or Mayor of their hometown for a day. If this were possible, what two things would they work to fix/change? How would they go about changing them?

2) I asked each to write their own definition of leadership in a few sentences. At the end of the semester, I will ask them to re-write their definition. At that point we will see if their definition changes (hopefully improves).

3) Let them introduce themselves by sharing about a leadership role they have recently undertaken (in high school or in college). What problems did they run into? What issues did they have to address? What made it difficult to be an effective leader in their situation?

4) Had each class member try to name everyone in the class. I took photos with their names to help me remember each person.

5) One thing I have not done, but might is let them tell three things about themselves with one being false. Then, I let the class try to figure out which one is false. Some of you did this. Did it work well?

Please add some of your thoughts, ideas, and suggestions to the blog.

"FILLER Items/Games/Activities" (things to do when you have 15-20 minutes left in class)??? Any good ideas??