Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Welcome to our new blog...

ENTERED BY KEITH SESSIONS: (Please make sure each time you post to the blog you include your name.)

I was talking with Bronda today after class. We both agreed that it might be useful if we had a place online where we all could share our thoughts, ideas, and suggestions about our LDR 1100 classes. So, I thought a group blog might work. I will email you all the username, password, and instructions. We will try this and see if it works.


The first few days of class, I have done the following to try to get to know my students:

1) Let them each pretend to be Chancellor of Troy, President of US, or Mayor of their hometown for a day. If this were possible, what two things would they work to fix/change? How would they go about changing them?

2) I asked each to write their own definition of leadership in a few sentences. At the end of the semester, I will ask them to re-write their definition. At that point we will see if their definition changes (hopefully improves).

3) Let them introduce themselves by sharing about a leadership role they have recently undertaken (in high school or in college). What problems did they run into? What issues did they have to address? What made it difficult to be an effective leader in their situation?

4) Had each class member try to name everyone in the class. I took photos with their names to help me remember each person.

5) One thing I have not done, but might is let them tell three things about themselves with one being false. Then, I let the class try to figure out which one is false. Some of you did this. Did it work well?

Please add some of your thoughts, ideas, and suggestions to the blog.

"FILLER Items/Games/Activities" (things to do when you have 15-20 minutes left in class)??? Any good ideas??

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LDR 1100 Instructors said...

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