Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Getting the hang of things...

Hey all, its Chanukah! Keith thanks for getting this going-- I think it will be amazing for each of us to be able to share with one another.

The first 2 days have gone well. Something I tried the first day, after having everyone stand and do a simple introduction, I made them get together in groups of 2 and spend roughly 10 minutes together learning about one another. During this time they were instructed to tell their partner one thing about them that wasn’t true. Then each pair came up front and introduced the other person in a fun and creative way. We, as a class, tried to figure out which thing we just learned about that person wasn’t true.

The second day of class (I took the idea from Josh), I had them start off writing their personal definition of leadership. As most are stating, we will go back at the end of the semester and review it and see how it’s changed. I also had them rate themselves as a listener 1-10 with 10 being the highest.

I used a PPT to review the 1st 3 chapters, and have open discussion about LDR and listening. They were pretty good with writing and discussing. At the end of class, we broke into 2 teams and played a few rounds of Mad Gab.


Anonymous said...

Hey Chanukah...
Thanks for posting your ideas and suggestions. How did you use the MAD GAB game? Can you get it a Wal-Mart? Did the kids like it?

LDR 1100 Instructors said...

Yes,the topic on Tuesday was about listening and being a better listener, and Mad Gab is a game of(as the box says) "not what you say, but what you hear". Its one of my favorite games! Anything that adds teams, crazy team names, and points....I think will go well. They enjoyed it. Another chance for them to get to know new people in the class. Yes, you can get it at Wal-Mart (I just borrowed a friends)