Thursday, August 28, 2008


I know Craig is not the name of Dava’s significant other, but I have two pieces of information—one about Dava and the Myers-Briggs; the other about a presentation by Craig Kennedy who is the Assistant Women’s Basketball Coach at TROY.

On Tuesday 2 September, Dava will administer the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator); on Thursday she will return to explain the results. I doubt she will use the entire time. (Dava, what do you think?) I suggest students return to their respective classrooms after each one completes the Indicator on Tuesday. On Thursday, they will all finish at the same time.

On 9/11, Craig will present an entertaining and informative PowerPoint presentation discussing 50 great leaders from throughout time. I can’t remember whether he takes the entire time, but I think he pretty well does. Remind your students that anything a guest lecturer says is testable. You might suggest they decide which of the leaders they would select as being the greatest and most influential—and why. And you might ask which ones they don’t consider to be that great. I also think it is important at the start of the class to remind students of the significance of the 9/11 and tie it in with the importance of good leadership.

A student from each of the three meeting times should introduce Dava; different ones should introduce Craig. At the end of the class it would be appropriate for those students, or other ones to get up and thank each of them for coming. Dava should be thanked on Thursday. Mr. Kennedy’s cell number is 672-6045


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